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Suffolk Argus Archive

The Suffolk Argus is the newsletter of Suffolk Butterfly Conservation and is produced three times a year.  The archive has each edition from Spring 2011

Older copies of the Argus (from volume 1) can be found on the Suffolk Biodiversity Information website click here

It contains news and articles about the butterflies of Suffolk.

Index - If you are interested in a particular topic there is an index. 
This can be downloaded as a
PDF file (PDF click here) or .docx file (Microsoft Word) (.docx click here). 
This has been produced for us by a member Paul Douch who is a professional indexer (contact waveneyindexing@outlook.com )

Click on an image below to view an edition of the Suffolk Argus

Spring 2024 Volume 89

Summer 2024 Volume 90

This contains a summary of the 2023 Suffolk Butterfly Report by James Corton for the Suffolk Naturalists Society.  It may take longer to download as it contains maps

Spring 2023 Volume 86

Summer 2023 Volume 87

This contains a summary of the 2022 Suffolk Butterfly Report by James Corton for the Suffolk Naturalists Society

Autumn 2023 Volume 88

Spring 2022 Volume 83

Summer 2022 Volume 84 

This contains a summary of the 2021 Suffolk Butterfly Report by James Corton for the Suffolk Naturalists Society
Autumn 2022 Volume 85

Spring 2021 Volume 80

Summer 2021 Volume 81

This contains the 2020 Suffolk Butterfly Report by Bill Stone for the Suffolk Naturalists Society.

Autumn 2021 Volume 82

Spring 2020 Volume 77

Summer 2020 Volume 78

This contains the 2019 Suffolk Butterfly Report by Bill Stone for the Suffolk Naturalists Society.  It may take longer to download as it contains distribution maps

Autumn 2020 Volume 79

Spring 2019 Volume 74

Summer 2019 Volume 75

Autumn 2019 Volume 76

Spring 2018 Volume 71

Summer 2018 Volume 72

Autumn 2018 Volume 73

Spring 2017 Volume 68

Summer 2017 Volume 69

Autumn 2017 Volume 70

Spring 2016 Volume 65

Summer 2016 Volume 66

Autumn 2016 Volume 67

Spring 2015 Volume 62

Summer 2015 Volume 63

Autumn 2015 Volume 64

Spring 2014 Volume 59

Summer 2014 Volume 60

Autumn 2014 Volume 61

Spring 2013 Volume 56

Summer 2013 Volume 57

Autumn 2013 Volume 58

Spring 2012 Volume 53

Summer 2012 Volume 54

Autumn 2012 Volume 55

Spring 2011 Volume 50

Summer 2011 Volume 51

Autumn 2011 Volume 52

Copyright Butterfly Conservation © 2021 Suffolk Branch
Privacy and Copyright Statement
Butterfly Conservation Company limited by guarantee, registered in England (2206468)
Registered Office: Manor Yard, East Lulworth, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5QP
Charity registered in England & Wales (254937) and in Scotland (SCO39268)