Butterfly Conservation - saving butterflies, moths
              and our environment
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Suffolk Branch of Butterfly Conservation Events 2024

Please contact the leader if you are thinking of coming to an event (except those marked **). 
This does not make a commitment but means the leader can contact you if the event has to be cancelled

Please click here to read important information

Do we have your email address?
It will help us to communicate changes to events if we have your email address. 
Please email your name to
using your normal email address. 
This can then be added to our membership list.

Take your winning photograph at one of our events

Details of our photographic competition here

Sunday 28th April 2024
Pakenham Water Mill Wildlife Day **
Family event attended by Suffolk Butterfly Conservation and other Conservation groups in beautiful surroundings

Entry fee: £5 (children free) free parking.
Refreshments and family fun.
Enquiries: Ian Robertson 07876 644 611

Monday 6th May 2024
Spring Wood Celebration Day - FREE FAMILY EVENT**

Join Suffolk Branch of Butterfly Conservation and lots of other conservation groups at Kiln Meadow.  Butterfly and other guided walks, wood crafts, children’s activities, music and storytelling.  Park at Bourne Park off Stoke Park Drive and take free minibus to the event on Kiln Meadow.
There will be a butterfly walk if the Green Hairstreak is on the wing.

Where: Kiln Meadow, off Marbled White Drive, Ipswich
Map Ref: TM143416
Time: 11.00 am to 4.00 pm

More details nearer the event

Tuesday 21st May 2024
Dingy Skipper Count
Because of weather forecast this is now Tue 21st May.  Please register your interest with him in case this changes at the last minute again because of weather.

Register your interest at  to get updates

Where: King’s Forest, Wordwell
Location reference: TL826738. Nearest post code IP28 6UR
Meet: at small car park west side of Brandon road opposite cellphone mast
Time: 10.00 am to 1.00 pm approx.
Leader: Trevor Goodfellow - , mobile 07900 696960

Wednesday 29th May 2024
Sudbourne and SWT Captain's Wood
A three hour walk for early butterflies and a search for 1st generation Wall Brown.
New members and those wanting help with butterfly identification are most welcome.

Please contact the leader for parking and event details.
Time:  10.00 am to 1.00 pm
Leader:  Peter Maddison
Contact:  Phone  01473 736607, 

Sunday 9th June 2024
Brampton Wood Nature Reserve
Brampton Wood Nature Reserve, nr Huntingdon for Black Hairstreak.

Meet:  Brampton Wood car park
Location reference; Grid Ref.  TL184698,
Sat Nav.  use PE28 0DB and continue west, away from A1, for 3/4 ml,
Time:  11.00 am to 3.00 pm
Leader:  Peter Maddison 
Contact the leader near the time for details. 

Tuesday 11th June 2024
Burgh House Farm Walk
Guided by owner Bill Mayne, a walk through 100 acres of regenerative farmland, seeing butterflies and wild orchids. 
Wear suitable clothing for walking on rough or wet ground.

Meet: Burgh House Farm,
Location reference: Burgh IP13 6PU
Time: 10.00 am confirmed
Lunch: bring a picnic or lunch at nearby pub.

Leader: Trevor Goodfellow
Register interest: 

Friday 12th July to Sunday 4th August 2024

For more details visit Big Butterfly Count (butterfly-conservation.org)

Saturday 13th July 2024
Northfield Wood, Onehouse
Woodland species including Silver-washed Fritillary, White Admiral
(Northfield Wood is owned and managed by the Woodland Trust and is accessible by the public.)

Where; Meet at Community Centre, Forest Road, Onehouse (parking available)
Location reference; Post code: IP14 3HJ; What3Words: editor.sizing.engulfing
Time; 10.30am to about mid-day
Contact; Mark Brewster - Mobile 07759024440,

Sunday 21st July 2024 GARDEN OPEN DAY **
Wildlife Garden Open Day
An invitation from Lucie Pascoe, the daughter of the late Trudie Willis, to visit her 10 acre garden, including a Buddleia and Honeysuckle collection.

Meet; Park at Prior's Oak, Leiston Road, Aldeburgh (B1122 Leiston to Aldeburgh Road)
Location reference;  Map grid ref. TM452591,  Post Code: IP15 5QE
Time; 10.30 am to 4.00 pm
Contact; Peter Maddison   01473 736607

Saturday 27th July 2024
Pakenham Wood SWF Walk
Woodland Walk for Silver-washed Fritillaries and White Admiral

Meet: car park behind St. Mary’s church
Location reference: at Pakenham IP31 2LN, Grid Ref TL930670
Time: 10.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. approx.
Leader: Trevor Goodfellow

Saturday 19th October 2024 at 2.15 pm
Suffolk Butterfly Conservation A.G.M & Members
Afternoon 2024 **

at Earl Stonham Village Hall, IP14 5HJ

After a short session for official business we will hear from our invited speakers.

Sharon Hearle, BC Regional Officer Eastern England

Neil Sherman, Suffolk County Moth Recorder, has very kindly stepped up to be our main speaker after Pete Eeles has had to withdraw from the commitment

There will be Refreshments (time to talk over a cup of tea), a Raffle and our annual Photographic Competition (See below).

Enter our photographic competition 2024 - click here for details

Saturday 9th November 2024

Butterfly Conservation National Annual General Meeting **

You do not need to contact us to attend events marked **

Important information

As with any other activity, there are hazards in the countryside and everyone taking part in an event has a responsibility (duty of care) for their own safety and that of others.  We try hard to ensure that our events present no greater hazard than any other walk in the countryside, but we would encourage anyone planning to attend an event to read and act on the following advice:

• Wear appropriate footwear.  If there are unusual requirements these will be noted in the event programme, but stout shoes are a minimum requirement for any walk.

• The leader will brief you on the trip before setting off, with details of any known hazards and advice on what to do in an emergency – please listen carefully.

• By their nature, butterflies are not always to be found next to the path and will offer many opportunities (temptations) to wander off the track.  It’s easy to be distracted and to miss potential hazards such as rabbit holes, fallen or hanging branches, barbed wire etc.  Beware of wet grass or moss, particularly on sloping ground.  Children are welcome at branch events but, if under 16, they must be accompanied by a responsible adult (maximum of two children per adult).  If you are bringing children with you, please ensure that the event is within their capability.

• Dogs may be allowed at some of the events.  Please contact the leader in advance to find out if the event is suitable.

• If you are uncertain about any aspect of an event or activity, please contact the leader in advance.

Contact details can be found with each event entry.  Do let the leader know if you need, or can offer, a lift.  If you decide to leave early, please tell the event leader.  Please note that persons who take part in these events do so entirely at their own risk and The Suffolk Branch of Butterfly Conservation cannot accept liability for any injuries or losses during the course of an event.

Binoculars, cameras, field guides and notebooks are always useful.  For moth nights bring a torch and eye protection (i.e. polarised sunglasses or wide-brimmed hat).  Remember, most nature reserves do not permit dogs.  Map references are based on the Ordnance Survey 1:50,000 Landranger series and are approximate.  They refer to the rendezvous, not the site.  Anyone is welcome to come along, Branch members or not.

photo competition

Photography Competition

Suffolk Branch of Butterfly Conservation (SBBC) Photographic Competition

At the 2024 AGM there will be our annual photo competition for photos taken by a member of SBBC.

This year, in a change to our usual rules, there is a bespoke theme.

'My favourite ever Photograph' - Enter your best Butterfly or Moth photographs, taken anywhere in the world (no restriction on year taken)
This can be any stage of the life-cycle.

Competition Guidelines

A maximum of five entries per person.
Maximum size for photographs is 12" x 8".
Photographs can be taken anywhere in the World, at any time.
The winning entries will be published in a future edition of the 'Argus'.
There will be a prize for the overall photograph that gains the most votes.
In the event of a tie, the competition organiser shall have the casting vote.
Whilst every care is taken with entries, the BC Suffolk Committee cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss of photographs.

Enjoy your Summer of Butterflies and we look forward to seeing your photographs at our AGM.

Get looking through your archives and amaze everyone with a wide range of photos from Britain and beyond.

Kevin Ling
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Copyright Butterfly Conservation © 2021 Suffolk Branch
Privacy and Copyright Statement
Butterfly Conservation Company limited by guarantee, registered in England (2206468)
Registered Office: Manor Yard, East Lulworth, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5QP
Charity registered in England & Wales (254937) and in Scotland (SCO39268)