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Sightings of Butterflies in Suffolk - 2025

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Send Us Your Sightings

The Branch is always grateful for butterfly records and a recording form can be downloaded from the Recording page. 
We are always interested in sightings of any butterflies in any location in Suffolk but we are particularly grateful for records away from the coast and information on the following species:
BAP species; Dingy Skipper, White Letter Hairstreak, Silver-studded Blue, White Admiral, Grayling, Small Heath, Wall Brown
Others; Green Hairstreak, Purple Hairstreak, Silver-washed Fritillary, Purple Emperor, Chalkhill Blue
(not Devil's Dyke)

Send Sightings by email to (please make sure you enter a subject) and they will appear below within a few days.
Clicking on the link should launch your usual email program.  If this does not seem to work just use the email address.

Please include the date, how many of each butterfly species seen, location with an ordnance survey grid reference if possible, and your name (if you want to).
If you would like to contribute to the annual survey please read the notes on the Recording page.

If you report a Brimstone this record will also be passsed to the Brimstone and Buckthorn project

Regular recorders are urged to use this sightings page to inform others of interesting sightings, but please do continue to send all your records to the county recorder, James Corton, at the end of the season.  This can be done using a simple Excel spreadsheet amd an example is on the Recording page (click here)

Butterflies seen (and other relevant information).  First Sighting of Year in Bold or Bold for rarer species
For a summary of First Sightings see the Suffolk Butterflies Page - click here
Location Grid Reference Name
February SwT DS ES SS LS OT LW SW GvW CY B WB SpW SH R MB GK MW Gr SwF DgF MF GF HBF SPbF QoSF WA PE RA PL P ST C LT CmB SC PH GH WlH BH HB SsB BA CB ChB SB LtB - Total species seen 0       (📷 photo click here) 
January SwT DS ES SS LS OT LW SW GvW CY B WB SpW SH R MB GK MW Gr SwF DgF MF GF HBF SPbF QoSF WA PE RA PL P ST C LT CmB SC PH GH WlH BH HB SsB BA CB ChB SB LtB - Total species seen 2       (📷 photo click here) 
30 Jan Whilst bird watching at Mayday Farm near Brandon on the 30th Jan 25, I saw a male Brimstone in flight right next to the radio mast. Regards Mayday Farm near Brandon TL795835 Mike Harris
25 Jan Our first butterfly sighting of the year was a Red Admiral seen today at Upper Hollesley Common. It flew up from bracken and was then  pursued by a Blue tit from a nearby pine tree but had a lucky escape.  Upper Hollesley Common   Rob and Kerry Reeve  Steve and Anne Green 
25 Jan At home I saw the first butterfly of the year. a single Red Admiral (The latest first sighting since this page began in 2012) Thurston   Trevor Goodfellow

Sightings from previous years 
2012    2013    2014    2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021    2022    2023    2024

Photographs from 2025 Sightings  (all pictures are the copyright of their owners)


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Butterfly Conservation Company limited by guarantee, registered in England (2206468)
Registered Office: Manor Yard, East Lulworth, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5QP
Charity registered in England & Wales (254937) and in Scotland (SCO39268)