Sightings of Butterflies in Suffolk - 2012
Butterfly Conservation is a registered
charity dedicated to the conservation of butterflies and moths.
The Branch is always grateful for butterfly records and a
recording form can be downloaded from the conservation section of this
website. We would be particularly grateful for records away from the
coast and information on the following species: Dingy Skipper,
Dingy Skipper,
Green Hairstreak, Purple Hairstreak, White Letter Hairstreak,
Silver-studded Blue, Wall Brown, White Admiral, Silver-washed Fritillary, Grayling and Small
However we are always interested in
sightings of any butterflies in any location in Suffolk. You can
email them to
sightings@suffolkbutterflies.org.uk and they will appear below within a few days.
Please include the date, how many of
each butterfly species seen, location
with an ordnance survey grid reference if possible, and your name (if
you want to). If you would like to contribute to the annual survey
please read the notes on the Recording
Regular recorders are urged to use
the website to inform others of interesting sightings, but please do
continue to send all your records to the county recorder at the end of
the season as usual.
Date |
Butterflies seen (and
other relevant information) |
Location |
Grid Reference |
Name |
25 Nov |
Male Brimstone - 1. I was delighted and very surprised to
see an immaculate male Brimstone Butterfly in my garden this
morning (25th November 2012). The weather was bright but very
windy. |
Whitby Road, Ipswich |
TM179455 |
Paul Kitchener |
21 Nov |
Red Admiral - 1. I am member of the Warwickshire Butterfly
conservation branch. I am just recording a sighting of a
Red Admiral butterfly at Woodbrige on Novemeber 21st, (next to
the abbey) around 11:30 am in poor weather! |
Woodbridge |
TM267493 |
Stephen Rossington |
30 Oct |
Red Admiral - 1 |
Ixworth |
TL923696 |
Mike Dean |
14 Oct |
Red Admiral - 1 |
Ipswich |
TM134428 |
Richard Perryman |
13 Oct |
Large White - 2, Small White - 1, Green-veined White - 1 |
Felixstowe |
TM327366 |
Richard Perryman |
8 Oct |
Red Admiral-2, Comma-1, Large White-1 |
Ipswich |
TM134428 |
Richard Perryman |
6 Oct |
5 x Small White, 1 x Large White, 1 x Comma, 2 x Red Admiral, 5
x Small Tortoishell on a fine warm day for the time of the year |
RSPB Lakenheath Fen |
TL718862 |
Ray Walker |
4 Oct |
Red Admiral-2, Comma-1, Large White-1 |
Ipswich |
TM134428 |
Richard Perryman |
3 Oct |
4 Red Admirals, 1 Small White, 1 Small Tortoishell, 4 Small
Copper and a battered Common Blue |
Near St Edmunds Way
Thetford |
TL845808 |
Sharon Hearle |
1 Oct |
6 commas feeding on buddleia, 3 small coppers feeding on
lavendar and 2 red admirals feeding on ivy |
Nacton Curchyard |
TM217396 |
Robert Brown |
29 Sep |
Comma-8 (feeding on blackberries), Small Copper-3, Red
Admiral-3, Green-veined White-2, Speckled Wood-1 |
Minsmere |
TM472668 |
Richard Perryman |
22 Sep |
Red Admiral (23), Comma (11), Large White (15), Small White (5),
Small Copper (3), Speckled Wood (2), Painted Lady (1), Small
Tortoiseshell (1). |
Chelmondiston/Pin Mill |
TM199377 |
Bill Stone |
22 Sep |
Red Admiral (6), Large White (5), Small White (5), Comma (7),
Holly Blue (1), Small Copper (2). |
Holywells Park, Ipswich |
TM174434 |
Bill Stone |
18 Sep |
Saw today many Red Admirals (100 plus) in a lane close to my
house, these were nectaring in bushes
(see photo) also a couple of Comma`s |
Brandon |
TL789865 |
Tony Lord |
15 Sep |
Comma (20+ mostly on Blackberry fruit), Red Admiral (5), Small
Copper (10), Small White (50+, also some apparent immigration
from sea), Large White (15), Small Tortoiseshell (1), Holly Blue
(3), Speckled Wood (1). |
Bawdsey Manor |
TM333376 |
Bill Stone |
14 Sep |
Red Admiral 50+ (nectaring on Ivy flowers on Oak trees), Large
White 5, Small White 5, Small Tortoiseshell 2, Comma 2 |
Chelmondiston |
TM205372 |
Bill Stone |
9 Sep |
Red Admiral (5), Painted Lady (1), Large White (5), Small White
(10+), Small Copper (5), Small Heath (3), Common Blue (3),
Meadow Brown (5), sadly no Walls seen here |
Aldeburgh Sailors Path |
TM438581 |
Bill Stone |
9 Sep |
Comma (2), Red Admiral (10+), Painted Lady (3), Small
Tortoiseshell (10+), Large White (10+), Small White (10+),
Speckled Wood (3). |
Aldeburgh allotments |
TM458564 |
Bill Stone |
8 Sep |
Large White, Small White, Green-veined White, Small Copper,
Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, Speckled Wood, Peacock, Small
Tortoiseshell, Painted Lady, Red Admiral, Comma |
Reydon |
M Pearson |
7 Sep |
Painted Lady |
Ipswich, Melton, Hadleigh |
Matt Berry |
4 Sep |
Lots of Speckled Woods pus Graylings, a Gatekeeper and a Comma |
Dunwich Forest |
TM459696 |
Geraldine Smith |
3 Sep |
Red Admiral 5, Painted Lady 2, Small Tortoiseshell 2, Small
White 2, Large White 2 |
Ipswich |
TM134428 |
Richard Perryman |
2 Sep |
Wall (1 very tatty male), Red
Admiral (25), Painted Lady (2), Large White (5), Small White
(20), Green-veined White, Peacock (1), Speckled Wood (6), Comma
(1), Common Blue (6m), Small Heath (3), Meadow Brown (5). |
Oxley Marshes, Hollesley |
TM368439 |
Bill Stone |
1 Sep |
Red Admiral 7, Small White 5, Green-veined White
2, Small Tortoiseshell 2, Meadow Brown 2, Comma 1 |
Alton Water, Alton Hall
Meadows |
TM148359 |
Bill Stone |
31 Aug |
Red Admiral 9, Painted Lady 1, Large White 4,
Small White 3, Small Tortoiseshell 2, Speckled Wood 1, Peacock
1, Comma 3 |
Chelmondiston |
TM203368 |
Bill Stone |
31 Aug |
Two Red Admirals in the garden today on a
vibernum at 8.30am |
Ipswich |
TM160461 |
Charlotte Evans |
30 Aug |
Holly Blue (1), Common Blue (3m), Red Admiral
(3), Large White (2), Green-veined White, Meadow Brown (2) and
Speckled Wood (10) |
Holywells Park, Ipswich |
TM175435 |
Bill Stone |
28 Aug |
Red Admiral 15, Small Tortoiseshell 2 on two Buddleia bushes |
Ipswich |
TM134428 |
Richard Perryman |
28 Aug |
Large White (5), Small White (3), Peacock (1),
Red Admiral (15), Meadow Brown (3), Holly Blue (2), Speckled
Wood (30+ with good numbers along the canal) and Brimstone (2,
along Brimstone Alley) |
Holywells Park, Ipswich |
TM175435 |
Bill Stone |
27 Aug |
Large White (2), Red Admiral (11), Peacock (3),
Small Tortoiseshell (1), Speckled Wood (12), Holly Blue (1) |
Great Birch Wood |
TM155382 |
Bill Stone |
23 Aug |
Large White (5), Green-veined White (3), Red
Admiral (7), Speckled Wood (10), Holly Blue (3), Meadow Brown
(5), Gatekeeper (2), Comma (2) and Peacock (1) |
TM175435 |
Bill Stone |
19 Aug |
White Admiral (x3, are numbers increasing?),
Purple Hairstreak (x2), Brimstone (x1) and really nice to see
many Peacocks after such a disastrous summer. Plus all the
others that would be expected at this time of year |
Bradfield Wood |
TL933575 |
Michael Girling |
10 Aug |
Purple Hairstreak 6; Comma
3; Painted Lady 1; Peacock 1; Small Copper 15; Gatekeeper 50+;
Meadow Brown 20; Green-veined White 3; |
Aldeburgh old railway path |
TM461586 |
Richard Perryman |
9 Aug |
Wall 1 |
Shingle Street near
allotments |
TM367427 |
9 Aug |
Wall 10 |
Bawdsey - coastal path
opposite lagoons |
TM357402 |
8 Aug |
Silver-washed Fritillary 2;
White Admiral 6; Purple hairstreak; Brimstone plus eight other
species |
Bradfield Wood |
TL933575 |
17 July |
Large White 2;
Small White 1 |
Ipswich |
TM134428 |
Richard Perryman |
7 Jun |
Painted Lady - 1 |
Landguard Point |
TM2831 |
Julie Hogg |
7 Jun |
Green Hairstreak - 2,
Commom Blue (Male) - 1. |
Sizewell Beach |
TM4763 |
Julie Hogg |
5 Jun |
Small White. Moths;
Cinnabar Moth - 1, Drinker Moth caterpillar - 1. |
Hen Reedbeds SWT |
TM4777 |
Julie Hogg |
There are a few fresh
Small Tortoiseshells, and plenty of Red Admirals on the wing just now.
I even had a Painted Lady on my buddleia this morning. Numbers are
sadly low though. My transect counts are certainly going to be the
worst in the 13 years I have been walking it. Probably other
transect walkers and garden butterfly watchers are finding the same. Second
generation Common Blues appear to be at a very low ebb, and the Small
Coppers I saw yesterday had taken such a beating in the recent localized
downpours that they were very short on scales. One of them looked
almost albino - or see through, anyway. On the positive
side, Graylings and Walls are also flying, although sightings of Walls
are mostly from the Shingle Street/Bawdsey stretch of the coast and the
immediate inland vicinity. Back in West Suffolk though, two seen
near Sedge Fen are proof that they still have a toehold on that side of
the county. All the same, many of you engaged in the Wall survey
have nothing but nil returns to file. In the shelter of
selected woodlands, Silver-washed fritillary had an excellent season,
and flew for 7 weeks from 30th June until 18th August. By 18th
August, most of those seen in 3 separate woods were worn or faded.
I write in the past tense, but perhaps you know better? After
the weather disruptions we have had this year, we may yet have an Indian
Summer to keep those Red Admirals on the wing until Christmas.
In a
season when everyone keeps asking me "Where have all the Butterflies
gone?", it is nice to have a bit of encouraging news. Yesterday
(18 Aug) someone said "It is nice to have Peacocks on my buddleia
again", and 5 minutes later, I saw a fresh male Common Blue.
Something seems to be happening at last. So, this
morning with a blue sky and a forecast of a hot day, it seemed worth
checking to see whether Silver-washed Fritillaries were still flying.
I had heard from others who had seen them as late as 9th August. As
I got into the car, I noticed a fresh Small Tortoiseshell on the buddleja
in my front garden - a good omen. By
we were in the glade on the public footpath through Pakenham Wood, and we
walked straight into a flurry of silver-washed Fritillaries. There
were 4 in the air, and close by, I could see 8 taking nectar at two
separate clumps of knapweed. The thistles had dried out, and the
bramble blossom was over; fortunately the knapweed was plentiful and in
the sun. I had hoped for one or two stragglers, so to find so many was a
nice surprise. There was a high proportion of females, but both
sexes were were worn and had lost their bright orange hue. The White
Admirals seemed to be over, but there were plenty of other butterflies in
the sunny glade, including fresh Peacocks. A walk around the outside
of the wood brought a sighting of one female flying low in the shade,
apparently searching for violets, and two more at the end of the wood
where they had found some sheltered bramble still retaining some blossom.
interesting observation of another female back at the glade, found it
moving across the still moist muddy track. It kept settling on
almost dry patches, and probing the ground with its proboscis.
Mud-puddling is often said to be an all-male preserve; with this female it
was an individual pursuit, not a communal exercise.
another outing was called for in the afternoon; I went to look at 2 more
SWF woods. The first, a private wood near Stowmarket was almost as
rewarding; I found at least 5 SWF flying in their favourite glade.
These were also past their best, but still had plenty of vigour.
Their bramble and thistle had also dried up, but in this case there was no
knapweed alternative to be found. Interestingly, another worn female
was seen probing the almost-dry bare earth - just as at Pakenham. It
is very pleasing to find two of our SWF colonies doing so well.
stop at Northfield Wood found no SWF, but the consolation prize was a
single White-letter Hairstreak at waist level, feeding on a thistle on the
shady side of the ride. This brought my species count to 17 for the
day; not bad for a season without butterflies, although I admit that the
numbers were mostly low.
I returned
home to another piece of good news - Two Walls had just been seen close to
Sedge Fen - the first in
after an absence of two years.
Rob Parker.